Popular Home Survey FAQs  has been around since 2008.

During this time we’ve helped many thousands of property buyers arrange professional home surveys at affordable prices.

 So we thought it might be helpful to publish some of the questions people have asked.

We’ll be adding more from time to time but if you can’t find what you want to know below just drop us a line via the contact page.







Do I really need a survey?



As a cash buyer is it necessary for me to get a survey?



What does a house survey cost?



Why have the bank sent me a mortgage report – Do I still need a survey?



How can I tell if a surveyor is any good?



Do surveyors look in the loft – what about the drains?



If I get an RICS valuation can I used it for the mortgage?


What happens about my survey if the sale collapses?









How do I get a structural survey quote online?



How much does a full building survey cost?








What happens if a surveyor misses something?



What if a survey has lots of red and orange condition warnings?



What if I’m buying a flat, what sort of survey do I need?



What if my house purchase later falls through – can I get refund for the survey?








Different homes require different types of survey



  Don't Risk It!


Save money by cutting out the banks

Surveyor with clipboard

By arranging your home survey directly online - rather than via a mortgage lender - you can save the large chunk of the survey fee that the banks normally keep. They may still want to instruct a valuer to carry out their mortgage valuation, but don’t let them try to sell you an expensive Homebuyer or Building Survey from one of the large, target-driven, corporate firms on their 'panel'.


“We would like to put on record how impressed we were by the service we received Rightsurvey unfailingly followed up our enquiries and concerns, and Nick’s advice on maintaining an older property is proving invaluable.”
Peter Spink, Sheffield

Recommended by the experts

Rightsurvey is featured exclusively in the Haynes Period Property Manual and also in the best selling Haynes Victorian House and Home Extension Manuals.